Monday, January 19, 2009

Spreading the Wealth

It feels wonderful. I'm so lucky in this difficult economic time in America to have enough money to not only be comfortable but to give back.

I just lent $100 to and the impact just that little bit can make on others is amazing. If you're not familiar with its a site that organizes loans between independent entrepreneurs in 3rd world countries and struggling economies around the world. All I had to do was pick who I wanted to loan to, how much, and my account info.

The people picked get 100% of what you loan, and then they have between 6 months and a year to pay it back, then reimburses you, or you can chose to lend that money out to others. I can't wait to see the progress these folks make!

To see the people I've loaned to, click HERE. (2 people in Uganda, and a girl in Peru so far!)