Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thumbs up!

I've been being pretty good about complimenting a stranger each week, which is so much easier since I see thousands of them on my way to work and back in the city. This weeks was fun!

I was walking home and passed the best buy when a kid awkwardly drudging along with a 'rock band' video game box went by. I gave him a thumbs up and said 'awesome game!' (effectively complementing his taste in video games). He seemed kind of surprised at me for saying so. A rosy cheeked blond lady all bundled up giving you the thumbs up in pink mittens probably doesn't strike kids as the type that play rock band.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Spreading the Wealth

It feels wonderful. I'm so lucky in this difficult economic time in America to have enough money to not only be comfortable but to give back.

I just lent $100 to and the impact just that little bit can make on others is amazing. If you're not familiar with its a site that organizes loans between independent entrepreneurs in 3rd world countries and struggling economies around the world. All I had to do was pick who I wanted to loan to, how much, and my account info.

The people picked get 100% of what you loan, and then they have between 6 months and a year to pay it back, then reimburses you, or you can chose to lend that money out to others. I can't wait to see the progress these folks make!

To see the people I've loaned to, click HERE. (2 people in Uganda, and a girl in Peru so far!)


Uhg, why is it so hard?

Well, I opened a new savings account, one that won't destroy me as far as minimum balances and extra charges apply.

Next step, program my direct deposit to automatically transfer $101 out of each paycheck into this new account.


Well, I need to be honest about this one. My weight has gone back up, as is the trend.

It's hard to help, When I moved into a new apartment, the rent was much more expensive and I had to cut monthly spending, which meant no more weight watchers online. I know the plan, and I know the eating habits I should be employing, but without the accountability that weight watchers provides I tend to fall off the weight wagon.

So, having discussed this with my boyfriend who says he'd also like to lose some weight, we agreed to weigh each other every Sunday night to employ a sense of accountability again. This will help me stay on course I hope.

Green Death

Omg absinthe. Well, we did it right. Saturday night Joe had a bunch of people over for his birthday party/Kurt Russelathon. 16 hours of Kurt Russel movies and Absinthe. Yeah, so classy.

In any case, there were two bottles of genuine absinthe, sugar cubs, ice water, an absinthe glass, an absinthe spoon, and lots of friends to share it with. It was done the right way. And so I'm happy to officially have this one done!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Meeting the Green Fairy

I have successfully ordered a bottle of absinthe both for myself and for Cool J as a birthday gift, who happens to have absinthe on his own 101 list.

So when the package arrives from the UK (because you can't buy real absinthe in the losery US). We'll pop one (or both) of the bottles, get some ice water, sugar cubes, and do this thing right.

Monday, January 12, 2009

You Thai? Me Thai Too!

I've successfully eaten Thai Food, so I can mark 1 notch on my 10 new cuisines to try.

Last night Luke, Bridget, Pedro, Dan, and I sat down at Wild Fusion in Jersey City and had some excellent chow. I ordered Pad Thai, as is safe for thai food beginners.


Horrah! I have created a signature Liv drink, and it's even been accepted as a recipe on You can see the recipe for it here.

I titled the drink Forgiveness. The inspiration for it is in the description with the recipe linked above!