Sunday, May 3, 2009

Re-connecting with the Goryns

So, this sort of comes with some sad news, but it ends well. My grandfather in Poland passed away. I don't really know his name, and I met him once when I was like 8 or 9. So I'm not feeling a great sense of loss.

However, the Goryn family got together and invited me to mass, brunch, and then to hang out for a while at their place. My dad didn't show up to any of it. My brother WAS there. It frightens me a bit that dad is alienating not only me and Chris, but his own family as well. His brother, nieces, nephew. Just seems nuts to me.

But they were so happy to see me. I was worried that it would be awkward or that they'd act upset with me for not keeping in touch more than I do. But honestly, going there was like old times. Like none of the bullshit in the middle mattered and we could just be family. I talked on the phone with Babczia Daniella in Sweden. It was the first time I talked to her in about a year and she was just so happy to hear from me, and so glad that I spoke enough Polish to communicate my life to her fluently, to talk to her like a grown up person.

She relayed that she was upset about how my dad was handeling all this. She could tell just how hard the whole divorce was on him but wasn't approving of the way he was dragging the whole family into all of it. On another level, I'm glad that I'm not the crazy one. Like I know the things my dad has been doing are ridiculous and I've felt for a long time that they're entirely unfounded. And knowing that my aunt, uncle, grandma, and cousins support me and Chris despite my dad disowning my brother, it makes things a little easier on my conscience.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Memory Lane

I just found the address of my elementary school in Kearny, NJ. I was actually surprised to find that the 6 blocks from Schuyler all the way to my old apartment building are all covered by google maps. I 'walked' the old way using the maps and from the looks of it, it hasn't changed much at all save for a few trees here and there I remember.

Its bizarre, but now I know I can go back and expect to recognize it all. I walked that way everyday between the ages of 5 and 7. I remember it so clearly, and seeing it from a camera view like that just makes it all flood back. All the random moments, the way certain fences look from my 6 year old line of vision, and how the shade of trees would hit streets differently in the early morning vs in the afternoon right after school... just wow...

Lending a hand

I'm doing a little pro-bono work making site updates to Our VP here at work is dedicated to it and they're always looking for people with some computer skills to be able to keep their content updated. Its simple for me and helps them out by not having to pay the folks in India they used to have do it. ^_^

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Voicemail Victory!!

Y'know, I've been so good. Its really a combination of people knowing not to leave me messages on my phone and when I do get messages, they're so easy to check! I know who's called and how long the message is and I can listen to whichever message I want and pause and all this really cool stuff that was impossible before.

I haven't had more than even 1 voicemail message gone un-listened to since I've had this iPhone. I'm calling things one tackled! w00t!

Friday, March 20, 2009


The iPhone is mine!! MINE!!! ALL MINE!!! AAAHAHHAAA--- oh. oh my. I'm so sorry. I just... all the apps and the 3G in the city and all this stuff I can do, I just got mad with power for a second there. I'll try not to let it happen again.

In fact, my iphone may be wonky. That'll take me down a peg. If it continues to act a little funny I'll be sure to go back to the store and get a new one. ^_^

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I <3 Dr. Manhattan

The movie for this month ladies and gents is Watchmen. I really did enjoy it wholly, but people are telling me that I'd love the comic more. I get pretty intimidated seeing the size of that thing, but now that I know I like the premise I'm interested in hunkering down and going through with the novel. Then I'll watch the movie and again and gain the in-the-know perspective.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My bubbles!

Hooray! I've bit the bullet and splurged on a full 20 gallon aquarium! There are starter fish in it now, as well as my newts. As soon as the water stabilizes some more, I'll put more fish in it and it will be an official community! Yay!