Monday, October 27, 2008

*Liv makes not so random Hand Signals*

Dude, how sweet is this? I showed this list to Dan's mom, and so for my birthday last month, she and Dan's dad got me a REALLY nice book on learning sign language plus a bunch of manicure stuff to keep my hands looking nice.

And I found out that Katie's friend Chris knows sign language so I could practice with him... the rare occasion he's around and all. But hey, practice is practice. That's how languages get learned.

Speaking of which, the spanish thing isn't getting too much further off the ground. I really want to get a copy of Rosetta Stone. In the mean time, I bother Pedro for phrases. Like "Quiero cafe con leche y sukar", or cafe blanco con sukar (Light and sweet).

Also, thanks to Pan's Labrynth, I know 'leche fresca' is fresh milk, and 'hermano' is brother.